"This book focuses on the fundamentals of sediment transport in surface waters. It covers sediment properties, open channel flows, sediment particle settling, incipient motion, bed forms, bed load, suspended load, total load, cohesive sediments, water-sediment two-phase flows, hyperconcentrated flows, debris flows, wave-induced sediment transport, turbidity currents, and physical modeling. Besides the primary context of river sedimentation, this book extensively covers sediment transport under coexisting waves and currents in coasts and estuaries, hyperconcentrated and debris flows in rivers, as well as turbidity currents in lakes, reservoirs, channels and the ocean. It includes a chapter on the water-sediment two-phase flow theory, which is considered the basis of many sediment transport models. It introduces some special topics emerged in recent years, such as transport of mixed cohesive and noncohesive sediments, transport of biofilm-coated sediments, and transport of infiltrated sand within gravel and cobble beds. The text merges the classical and new knowledge of sediment transport from various sources in English and non-English literature....